Build Strong AI

We create custom AI document transforming pipelines and UIs to enhance business innovation & efficency.


Try A Pipeline

Explore our free pipeline demos to discover the diverse applications that can be created.

Transform an Image in Under 30 Seconds

This pipeline transforms any media file smaller than 32MB into another format with conversational language.

Grab a New Hacker News Post About AI

Visits a recent post to Hacker News about AI. Provides page summary, screenshot, and links.

Generate a Pirate's Dream

Shiver me timbers, lads! Me keen eye spies a treasure chest, gleamin' like the sun on the horizon!


Transform Your Business:

At MittaAI, we specialize in developing AI-powered UI interfaces for businesses backed by Strong AI pipelines which run on an Open Source platform we call SlothAI. Whether it's enhancing websites, customer portals, employee tools, or marketing tools, our ultimate strength is in creating intelligent, user-friendly solutions for you.

Our framework, pioneered by a founder of Loggly, is at the cutting edge of AI application development. It's designed to streamline your projects from conception through to production, making your applications smarter and more efficient.

With MittaAI, you're not just building an application; you're revolutionizing how your business interacts with technology. Start reimagining your digital landscape today. Get started by reaching out to us.

Support and Learning

Are you a do-it-yourself type of person? Login to our serverless cloud and get started right now. If you need help or have questions about our framework, our community is here to assist. Open a ticket or join our Slack for more information.

The SlothAI framework is capable of talking to over 25 different models. Document support handles large PDFs, text files, CSV files, audio, images, video and more. Task queues can call processors for file transforms, text, object and scene extraction, embeddings from multiple models, prompts for LLMs, structured output from unstructured input, speech generation and recognition, AI driven web crawling, calls to external services, and more. SlothAI also provides built in storage using Google Cloud, and supports transparent database storage using SQL. And, it's crazy fast.

If SlothAI can't do something you need it to do, or it needs to run on-prem, it's open source!

Get started now with our tutorial cookbooks.